Despite the flamboyant, self-centered and bombastic Ray J headlining “Love and Hip Hop L.A.,” producers decry the boring story lines and the cast members who are about as interesting as two-day-old oatmeal.
Circus-tamer and shameless “ratchet-ness” peddler Mona Scott Young needed to perform emergency CPR on a show that was on its deathbed.
The antidote Young used to revive the the LAHHLA? Soulja Boy.
According to entertainment blog, the “Crank That” rapper has been inserted into the starting lineup as the serum to heal whatever ails the third incarnation of the ultra-popular Vh1 franchise “Love and Hip Hop.”
Young and the other producers believe that Soulja Boy’s characteristics added to Ray J’s histrionics will be the ingredients required to make this a tasteful social media brew.
The LAHHLA producers crave drama like Pooky craves crack and the sizzurp-slurpin’ Soulja Boy lives and breathes drama.
If successful, Soulja Boy could save the jobs of the other cast members, which include Bow Wow’s baby’s mother Miss Joie, Teairra Marí, Omarion and Yung Berg.