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Facts About Raymond Frolander, The Pedophile Beaten Unconscious for Raping Father's Son

The case of the Florida pedophile who was brutally beaten into a blood pulp, and then dragged out to the living room unconscious to be taken away by police, was a sensationalized development that made international headlines.
The Daytona Beach, Fla., father says that when he got home, he knew instantly that Raymond Frolander has violated his son in their own home. He beat the man to within inches of his life and then calmly called 911 to have police and paramedics drag the man away to the hospital and then to jail.
Here are some facts about the case we’ve been able to uncover so far:

After the father finished pummeling the former family friend, he told Fronlander “You are damn lucky boy that I love my God.”
Frolander appeared in court Friday with his eyes almost swollen shut. He is being held on no bond. Frolander has been charged with sexual battery on a minor.

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