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Edward A. Womack: Author, Motivator,Trainer

Ed Womack
Author, Motivator, and Life Transformer. Mr. Womack lives in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia. Ed embodies and is committed to the quote “To whom much is given, much is required” This is the core principle that fuels Ed’s spirit of service to others.
Ed was raised in Detroit, MI. He is an IT professional with over 18 years of varied experience, Ed is also a recovering addict with 7 years of sobriety. In 2005, Ed overcame a severe bout of depression and substance abuse. Back from Broken, Ed Womack graduated from the Trinity House Men’s Program in 2007 and has not looked back since. Mr. Womack is living proof that the peaks and valleys of life can be overcome, with the right information, commitment to self- awareness and dedication to the service of others.
Ed currently serves on the Board of Directors for Trinity House Big Bethel as Co-Chair for Program Development. Additionally, Edward Womack is the Founder of T.I.P.S. Academy (Training Important People to Soar – Academy), which is a service oriented business.
The mission of T.I.P.S. Academy is to inspire, empower, encourage and coach independent thinkers to effectively realize their destiny and fulfill their God-given purpose in life. This is accomplished by participating in community events, pertinent seminars and training sessions geared to inspire, challenge and equip participants with the confidence that there are no limits to what they are capable of accomplishing.

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