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Blacks with college degrees twice as likely to be unemployed as whites and Asians

black grads
Notice how right-wing conservatives and mainstream Republicans have ceased and desisted with the use of the “post-racial society” nonsense they were eagerly trumpeting when President Obama first took office in 2008.
To further demonstrate just how preposterous that phrase is, a Washington-based study has revealed that African Americans are more than twice as likely to stand in the unemployment line than their Caucasian and Asian counterparts, more than five years after the Great Recession officially ended.
Last year, approximately 12.4 percent of black college graduates between the ages of 22 and 27 were unemployed. For all college graduates in the same age range, the unemployment rate stood at just 5.6 percent. The figures point to an ugly truth: Black college graduates are more than twice as likely to be unemployed.
“We absolutely aren’t trying to discourage people from going to college,” said John Schmitt, a senior economist at the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research who coauthored the study. “College degrees do have value. But what we are trying to show here is that this is not about individuals, or individual effort. There is simply overwhelming evidence that discrimination remains a major feature of the labor market.”
Schmitt also points out the startling data that unequivocally proves that even white men criminal histories are far more likely to receive calls back than black men with no criminal record at all.
More depressing is the statistic that indicates black students graduates in high-demand fields such as engineering, fare only slightly better than those who spent their college years earning liberal arts degrees. Between 2010 and 2012, 10 percent of black college graduates with engineering degrees and 11 percent of those with math and computer-related degrees were unemployed, compared to 6 percent of all engineering graduates and 7 percent of all those who focused their studies on math and computers, the study says.
College-educated blacks are also more likely than all others with degrees to confront underemployment, which the study defined as working in jobs that don’t require a four-year degree. The proportion of young African American college graduates who are underemployed has spiked since 2007 by fully 10 percentage points to a striking 56 percent. During that same period, underemployment among all recent college graduates has edged up only slightly to around 45 percent.

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