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What's a Good Cup of Coffee Worth to You?

In light of the headline making news this week — Oprah Winfrey partnered with Starbucks to create a new chai tea which bares her name — tea and coffee consumers around the country are scurrying to get in on some of that action. The problems is that short of being a multi-millionaire or having a friend like Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, to get you in on the coffee game, you are probably going to just have to get your cup of java like every other Average Joe — pay for it.
There is one exception that we know of though, which can help get you paid for drinking the number one selling beverage in the country and the number two selling beverage in the world (tea is number one worldwide), and you can create your own coffee company in the process. Organogold coffee consumers and distributors are doing an end-run around the industry lockout and making headway with a healthier and more affordable product that allows consumers to earn money in the process. When was the last time Starbuck’s paid you for a cup of coffee?
With 400 million cups of coffee sold daily in the U.S., there is certainly room for the little people to make a buck. And while big businesses helms the coffee industry in America, with Americans spending 18 billion dollars for coffee, Organogold makes it possible for nonprofits to get a piece of the funding pie and earn money for schools, churches, charities and social organizations. Company official are currently engaged in negotiations with UNICEF to develop their own boutique website to sell coffee and tea products.
The way it works is that Orgaonogold consumers and customers redirect the money they spend on coffee back to their own coiffeurs, essentially they buy from themselves.  For those with a large number of social media friends and followers the benefits are obvious, their profits increase exponentially with the number of people they engage.
Boxer Manny Pacquiao is the newest celebrity to see the beauty of Organogold  and come into the fold. The boxing champion, is not only a winner in the ring also fights for the citizens of his homeland, the Philippines. Pacquiao’s coffee business generates funds for thousands of beneficiaries of a number of charities dear to his heart, and others are expected to follow his lead and share the wealth their supporters.
Can you imagine missing the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a company like Microsoft of FaceBook. Don’t miss out twice. And what makes the thing that makes the Organogold opportunity so attractive is that it doesn’t require much selling. You won’t  have to convince people to drink coffee. All you have to do is get them to drink your coffee.
For more information visit Coffee Connoisseur to get your business going today.

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