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Lifestyles Report…Prom proposals


I was busy playing Candy Crush, I’m on level 307 by the way, and watching something on television. It may have been “Scandal-abra,” but during a commercial break I heard something about “prom proposals.”
I can only guess that is a way to ask someone to go to the prom. This must be a big thing because I looked it up and found a lot of ways for someone to ask another person to go to their high school prom.
I can tell you one thing about being the age that I am, I have seen so much change in my lifetime, black and white television to color, the eight track to the CD player and now prom proposals. So, for you other old heads like me, I want to share with you some of the ways your grandkids or great-grandkids might be using to secure a prom date.
What I want to know is when did getting a date for the prom become so competitive? A Connecticut television station reported that Stephanie Samuelson from Granby woke up on Valentine’s Day morning to a 5-foot snow sculpture that read, “PROM?” Samuelson’s boyfriend, Dan, started building the snow sculpture around midnight on the Thursday before Valentine’s with help from her brother, Jamie. They worked all into the night, only taking a coffee break at 5:30 in the morning.
Asking someone to go to the prom has turned into an elaborate affair. What I want to know is what are the young men going to do when it is time to pop the big question, “will you marry me?” Last year one teen blindfolded his girlfriend and decorated his high school hallway, complete with 1,500 pink balloons and a handmade sign that read, “Tina, will you go to prom with me?” Luckily the answer was yes to both of these young men.
Some young people don’t go to the prom with a date and they may go with a group of friends and I think that is cool. Don’t miss your prom because you don’t have a date; you can’t turn back the clock. Going to the prom is a great rite of passage for many, it is the first time for wearing a tuxedo or a gown, or even riding in a limousine. What I hate hearing is that prom night is a first night for sex or that sex is demanded. It has been reported that many parents will make hotel reservations for their children on prom night. Also, I find it sad when the kids who are not asked to the prom or are not asked in a creative way are made fun of or the situation becomes fodder for bullies. This year I heard a story about young ladies who could not afford expensive prom dresses and were ashamed to get a dress from a free prom dress program.
There is a lot of pressure on today’s young people; I wish the prom was not one of them.
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