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KKK Delivers ‘Save Our Race’ Flyers in Covington


The recruitment drive to join the Ku Klux Klan in Covington, Ga., is in full swing again as residents are being urged to join the brotherhood of White supremacists via fliers dropped outside their homes.

The “Save Our Race” fliers were placed in to clear plastic sandwich bags with a rock and distributed throughout the Laurel Ridge subdivision, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.. According to one of the complex’s residents, who chose to remain anonymous, though, most of her neighbors threw the racist announcement away. “I think they are just trying to [stir] up the little bit of racism that some people are still feeling,” the unnamed source said.

The KKK Grand Wizard Chris Barker told a Channel 2 news reporter that the fliers are invites since this is the Klan’s open season.

Watch news coverage of the KKK’s recruitment efforts here:

The racist radical group also attempted to recruit members in Covington, which is about 35 miles from Atlanta, back in January. At the time, the fliers included a drawing of a robed Klansman standing in front of a tree with writing that said, “Join the KKK — Loyal White Knights.”

The notices were reportedly tossed again, with many of the flyer recipients telling news reporters at the time that the recruitment efforts of the KKK was a bust; the KKK’s efforts to cause division actually had the opposite effect and brought the diverse town closer together as a people.

Still, Barker told CBS Atlanta, “[This is] a recruitment drive to let the neighborhood know the Klan is there and the Klan isn’t going anywhere. We told our members to go out and pretty much counteract Martin Luther King’s birthday, who was a known communist — and we decided to put out Klan literature.”

Meanwhile, police are well aware of the KKK’s recruitment efforts, and according to them, as long as no laws are broken, they are free to populate the town with their propaganda.

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