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Work it Out Wednesday: 8 Ways to Find Joy


We all have moments where we just feel down in the dumps. Here is a way to pick yourself up out of the doldrums. Its the condition of life.

Sometimes we let life swallow us up whole. We forget that we are part of a greater circle in life. We were not made to be miserable. I am not saying you should smile every minute of the day. I am saying that you should and are entitled to find simple joy in small things. Here are 8 things that are cost effective that you can do.

1 -Change something in your routine. For tonight’s dinner, put out your best linens, create a centerpiece, or simply light a candle. A festive setting makes for a festive mood.

2 -Get outside. Whenever you feel bored, antsy, or gloomy, go for a walk. The fresh air, changing scenery, and exercise will boost your mood.

3- Bow out gracefully. The next time you argue with someone, be the first person to relent and acknowledge the other person’s point of view. You’ll both be smiling sooner.

4 -Pat a pet. Rub a good dog. Scratch a cat. Pets love us unconditionally and relieve our stress.

5 -Move your bedtime. Go to bed an hour early tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll wake up with a brighter outlook.

6- Build someone’s future. Volunteer with a local charity. To find a nonprofit or tax-exempt organization near you, read my article:

7- Buy something beautiful. Place a small but exquisite painting, handmade vase, or other piece of art prominently in your home. Admire it often.

8- Take lessons. When you were a kid, did you always want to try horseback riding or sailing? Do you wish you could take up a hobby, like knitting or piano playing? Now is the time to learn how. Hobbies are fun and relieve stress. Look for appropriate schools in the phone book.

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