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My Part of the World: Join in the Spirit of Giving

The spirit of giving epitomizes this season from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Dec. 6 is St. Nicolas Day, celebrating the 4th century saint who was the pre-cursor to Santa Claus. The legend goes that Nicholas went around giving gifts overnight as people slept with no indication of where the gifts came from.

In addition, Dec. 6 has been designated “Georgia Gives Day,” an opportunity to take advantage of the new technology to support the work of nonprofit organizations in our community. Paste this link ( into your web browser and you will find that Georgia Gives is a collaboration of the Georgia Center for Nonprofits (GCN) in partnership with participating nonprofits, state agencies, corporations and businesses, associations, foundations and public relations and advertising firms. Through the use of social media, the effort enables participants to generate online donations from their supporters.

“Now, we are creating an opportunity for everyone, in every corner of the state, to support the causes that make Georgia great,” declares the Georgia Gives website. … “It’s about everyone pulling together to support the organizations and causes right in our own backyards and across the state that have been a part of our lives since day one.”

The GCN is a 20-year-old organization that includes some 1,200 organizations, and serves as a cornerstone of support for the Georgia nonprofit and philanthropic community by delivering a wide range of services and support.

Some of the organizations that participate are very familiar to most of us. They include the United Way of Greater Atlanta, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Good Will, and Families First.

So it is on this day — Dec. 6 — that ADW celebrates the spirit of giving with our annual philanthropy issue. We take a look at some of the very good work, and the people doing it, that is going on within the community. Enjoy our look at Lovette Russell, who was named Volunteer of the Year by the Georgia Chapter of the National Association of Philanthropy Executives. In addition to raising a lot of money, she has given a lot of time. She is the perfect poster child for philanthropy by giving her “time, talent and treasure” to make our community better and stronger in every way.

We are delighted to shine this spotlight on the spirit of giving in Atlanta. Happy Holidays to you and yours as you share in this season of love.
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M. Alexis Scott is publisher of Atlanta Daily World.

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