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Jamaican Actor Sees Film As Typical In U.S. & At Home

Paul_Campbell_Out_the_Gate.jpgBy Portia A. Scott (
Here for the Peachtree Village International Film Festival starting Aug. 18 through the weekend, Paul Campbell, who plays the villain in the Jamaican film, “Out The Gate” will tell you that he enjoys playing the bad guy. Known for his numerous roles as the villain, Campbell says his role has a lot of layers and it is unpredictable.  He enjoys what he does, but seemingly looks forward to breaking out from the villain mode.

A native of Jamaica, Campbell says he is 110 per cent Jamaican-born and is proud of it.  He became popular in the film “Lunatic,” but seems to like “Out the Gate” better, as he indicates that the making of the film is “incredible.”  As Campbell puts it, the story “shows passion and Caribbean people coming together to make this film happen.”   The actor wants everyone to see it, especially Caribbean people living in the U.S.  His hopes for his native country is “peace among the Jamaican people.”

The film tells the story of a Jamaican immigrant who loses his mother and is shipped to Los Angeles to live with family.  The young 14-year-old is embraced by his aunt, but lands on hard times.  He ends up on the streets selling CDs and meets Paul Campbell (Mr. Graves), who gives him money.  However, nothing seems to pan out and Mr. Graves wants his money back with interest.

The story is a typical one for the hard times facing so many youngsters on the streets in the U.S. and the world of gangsterism and crime.

Campbell now makes his home in Coral Springs, Fla.  He is not married, but is the proud father of three sons, 23, 19 and 1l.  He looks forward to coming here for the film festival, because Atlanta is a “mover and shaker” town that has a lot of promise for acting.

Campbell hopes to meet Tyler Perry, and feels he has been acting all his life.

Campbell moved from Jamaica around 17 or 18 years of age to become a film star;  that led him to Washington, D.C., London, and now Florida.  He hopes to spend a lot of time in Atlanta throughout the remaining year, and wraps up here with a one-man show about “The Life And  Times Of A Jamaican Star.”

His passion and commitment to acting has landed Campbell with a bit of confidence that he will fair well in our city.

The one hour and 20 minute film “Out the Gate” opens nationwide at AMC theatres across the country on Sept. 2, but has already done well in L.A. and New York.  The  film, also starring  both Jamaican born Campbell and Oliver Samuels, with Shelli Boone and Everton Dennis, is shot on location in Jamaica and Los Angeles.

The film then goes to Jamaica, Canada, London and a number of general distribution.   Produced and distributed by Far I Films, and directed by the Village Brothers, the film  seems to be on its way to becoming a real classic. For showtimes and theater information, visit  This is probably the first Jamaican movie to hit movie theater in America in a long, long time, so DON’T miss it.

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