Washington might not be working on trying to help Atlantans find jobs, but Reps. John Lewis and Hank Johnson are. In conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Lewis and Johnson joined forces to try to host the most comprehensive job fair this year. In response to skyrocketing unemployment in the African American community on top of high national averages, the CBC decided to launch the “For the People” Jobs Initiative to raise awareness and built support for H. Res. 348, which calls on Congress to pass more than 40 bills proposed by the CBC to help alleviate the crisis.
According to the latest release by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, metro Atlanta, compared to other major cities, experienced the largest decline this year ever reported since they began collecting data. The unemployment rate among African Americans was nearly 16 percent, for Latinos it hovered around 11 percent, compared to a high national rate of 9.1 percent. The rate among teenagers was highest at nearly 30 percent.
“This job fair is one way that we can help meet the needs of people in metro Atlanta,” said Lewis. “”We cannot wait for Congress to take action. We decided we had to do something. We decided we had to do what we could do to help people who are struggling in our districts.”
V103 will be a radio partner at the event featuring a panel discussion with 13 members of Congress hosted by Frank Ski from 9 to 10 am the morning of the job fair. Participants will learn how to apply for open federal jobs, learn about Georgia’s Work Ready Program, how to benefit from the GI Bill, special job hunting tips for over-55 job hunters. Many federal government and private employers will be represented, and MSNBC has been following the progress of the job fair throughout the country to capture the people’s response.
WHO: Rep. John Lewis, Rep. Hank Johnson and 10 members of the Congressional Black Caucus
WHAT: Lewis/Johnson Job Fair and “For the People” Jobs Initiative
WHEN: August 18, 9am to 5:30 pm. Registration begins at 8 AM but job hunters can register online at www.HOUSE.GOV/JOHNLEWIS
WHERE: Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta 30310