By Special to the Daily World
The National Monuments Foundation is delighted to be sponsoring the 2011 Middelthon-Candler Prize Ceremony at the Millennium Gate Museum on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 7pm for cocktails and 8pm for dinner. If you attended last year’s festivities, you experienced a lovely evening under a beautiful clear tent including cocktails, seated dinner and dancing. The funds raised during this evening will facilitate the museum’s mission to preserve and interpret Georgia history, architecture, culture and philanthropic heritage, as well as highlight Georgia’s historical and aesthetic relevance to the United States and to the world.
The prestigious Middelthon-Candler Prizes are presented to families and individuals who have been stewards of our great city for generations. We are pleased to announce the distinguished recipients of the 2011 Prizes: the Millennium Gate Prize will honor the Voyles Family, whose community involvement and charitable contributions have been part of their commitment to the greater Atlanta area for three generations, and the Justice Prize will honor former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin not only for her role as a public official, but also for her community service which spans over 35 years in Atlanta and includes participation in the arts, homelessness, and higher education.
For more information contact Kay Quigley, Event Chairman, or Ann Yauger, Director of Event and Museum Mkt.,